Monday, November 10, 2008

TT rules and regulations.

Hi, all members and friends.

I had set a TT rules and requlation here.

The benefits of having this is r & r is to promote our club TT and activities, will be more organise and i believe more members/ppl will join in TT and convoy together.

1)TT at < RM$30 - Take turn or volunteer.
2)TT at > RM$30 - Share among members or volunteer.
3)TT with family members - All have to share the expenses or volunteer.
4)Members with more family members have to paid more compare to others.
5)For those who leave earlier with/without family members, please follow the rules before leaving.
6)Exta $ paid out to our expenses will accumulate for next TT or making our own design Alphard T- Shirt and banners or convoy.

All suggestions are welcome to promote our club.

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